Graham Keegan {designer}

I have been SO absent from the blog lately, but all for good reason.  I am launching a new website next week!!!!!  Its been a while in the works and we are finally seeing the end!  And as you know, we are also launching the new collection PECOS, and soon after will be the launch of fail HOME!  As you can imagine, Forge was falling lower and lower on the list of to-dos.

I was searching for a 1 year anniversary present for my lovely husband when I discovered the Etsy site for designer Graham Keegan.  If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you know I’m a sucker for Shibori right now.  Shibori is a traditional Japanese dying technique that uses binding, folding, stitching, twisting, and compressing to create patterns {The American version is the ubiquitous Tie-Dye}.

You can see why Graham’s pieces caught my eye, even though it was his leather pieces that originally brought me to his site.  I have included my favorites below but you can check out Graham Keegan’s website for the entire collection.  He’s also got information on his process, including a look at the bags he created in collaboration for the Marfa Film Festival.  Enjoy!



indigo dyed handkercheif-chevron flat Closed Front iPad Case Denim and Leather Closed Diagopen IMG_0118
