Plants as Decor

I am finally feeling a bit more organized here at the studio and getting back to regularly sharing my thoughts, inspirations, and ideas on Forge!  The spring has been a big growth period for me; I traveled to West Texas for inspiration in January, launched Pecos in February, and followed up with the launch of HOME earlier this month.

What you all didn’t know is that behind the scenes I began training two apprentices through local non-profit Girls Guild and was on the hunt for a new Studio Manager, in addition to working on 3 custom ceremony rings!  Unfortunately the blog fell down low on the list of things to do, but not anymore!

Since building the studio in the backyard I am home a lot more than I used to be and I have realized that I have a bit of a green thumb.  When I was at the store all day the last thing I wanted to do was putter around the yard and house watering, pruning, and cultivating my plant life.  Now its just a part of my day as I walk back and forth between the house and studio, sit down to eat lunch, or take a break from sitting at the computer.

Recently I’ve been a little obsessed with indoor plants and especially hanging planters.  Bringing plants indoors is a great way to create a warmer and more inviting interior {in my opinion}, so I wanted to round up my favorite image showing ways to warm your space with indoor plants, and the accessories to help you do it.  I hope you get inspired too!  {I think a window box herb garden might be next!}








And if you are inspired, check out these great recommendation on indestructible houseplants. You can find all of these images with links on the fail jewelry plant & garden pinterest borad.